A Columbia Christmas
Keep it Local- Make Us Dance
Small business owners navigate a host of obstacles, everyday. Big box stores, cheap products from China, our suppliers selling out, etc. have made us all a dying breed.
When you buy from a small business owner, you are getting top notch customer service, advice and when you place your order- you may not know it, but we do a happy dance.
I would like to spotlight a few of many awesome small business owners that have local businesses, right here in Columbia, SC.
Sedalia Designs- Larissa Evans Trapp

Larissa Trapp has been a resident of Columbia since 2003. She is a graduated from Columbia College. She became a consultant with Sedalia Designs because she is inspired by the company's commitment to give back.
She has been a consultant for 2 years and she is proud to have helped with fundraising for local organizations though Sedalia. She also sells her products in stores around Columbia.

Sedalia Designs has a large collection of trendy and timeless jewelry pieces for every budget.
Place an order today by Clicking Here.
Canebrake Apiary
Rosalind Severt knows her bees. She has forty hives. She is a Journeyman Beekeeper with the SC State Beekeepers Association and the Director of the Mid-State Region. Bees are so important because they are our pollinators. No bees, No Food, No You.

Rosalind opened Canebrake Apiary & Aquaponics to show case what she loves best- the bees and nature. She makes lotions, lip balms and salves- all from pure honey. Her soaps are very popular during the Christmas season. Check out her site at www.canebrakeapiary.com.
Up On Cedar Knoll
Jackie Cavallin has a small farm specializing in pastured, free range Heritage Bourbon Red Turkeys, Heritage Dominque Chickens and Farm Fresh Eggs. Her meats and eggs are hormone and antibotic free and they are supplemented with herbs, fruits and vegetables from their own garden. All of their animals get plenty of free air.

Because of their slower growth rates (than grocery store meats) and their outstanding diets, and also their longer lives, Up On Cedar Knoll Farm's meats have a depth of flavor that you can't just buy at Walmart. Visit www.UpOnCedarKnoll.homestead.com online and have farm fresh turkey for your holiday dinner.
Keisler Hobby
Jordan Kiesler is a SC native and so is her husband. When her oldest daughter was born 6 years ago, Jorday and her husband decided Ithat Jordan would stay home with her new baby, at least until she was school aged, During that first year Jordan worked hard at home taking care of her daughter but she still felt like she should still be contributing to her future financially as well.

Taking a part time job wouldn't cover the cost of childcare so Jordan knew she needed to find another way.

"A friend mentioned a local art fair tables were free so I set to making all sorts of things, head bands, tutus, jewelry, t shirts, bows.....i made money and I loved it and I knew it would be food for my daughter. Since then my family and business have grown. The business has evolved and changed to fit what my family needs in balance with what our customers want. We couldn't be more thankful and do a little happy dance with every order."
This Butter Be Good
This Butter Be Good is run by partners Donna & Garett, crafters of this ALL natural line of goods for the body & soul. The entire line of goods was developed in an effort to live a more whole life. Using only naturally occurring ingredients they offer a line of skincare, wellness, art & jewelry that includes sprays, scrubs, balms, rollers, bubblers, salts, butters, inhalers, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pyramids, orbs, gift sets, & more!

Experience the best nature has to offer, from butters & oils, to crystals & metals: This Butter Be Good won’t disappoint those looking for a unique, handmade gift that’s Butter for the Body & Soul.
Check them out by visiting ThisButterBeGood.com Like and follow This Butter Be Good on Facebook & Instagram to stay on top of the latest deals all season long.
Sal's Garden Box
Let's get growing South Carolina. It is easier than you think. We will show you how. Follow along with our blogs as we teach you to grow, along with supporting local venders.
Look what Colton grew with his October Box. We include the seeds and the directions. Follow along with our blog and plant something every month. Don't let gardening become a lost are.

Our box makes an awesome Christmas gift. Learn more here.
Coffee Cat Boutique
Becky Post is a familial face around Sal's. She makes all the beautiful wreaths, jars and other crafts all around the store. She is a mother of two and enjoys supporting her kids in band. Check out her crafts at Sal's and visit her on facebook by clicking here.