Let us help grow your business!
Grow Your Garden with Sal
We want to get everyone growing. Do you want to help us on this journey?
Our new radio show on The Point 100.7 is all about gardening, healthy eating, and promoting local farms and businesses. Do you have a farm or business and want to help us out? If so we want to give you a voice too.
We are looking for 8 advertisers to join us on this journey. Grow Your Garden with Sal has 19,000 followers, 1000 YouTube subscribers, and 3000 website subscribers. The Point has a large Columbia and surrounding area reach.
Advertise with us and I will shout our name so hard that they can hear a mile away. Let's work together on this, and get our listeners growing.
We have a spot for eight, advertisers. You will get...
YOUR BUSINESS will run a :30 spot twice every Saturday from 8am-9am on Grow your Garden with Sal!
Someone from YOUR BUSINESS will be interviewed during a program every month for 10 minutes on Grow your Garden with Sal!
All of your spots will also be streamed on www.makethepointradio.com/TUNEIN
We will also upload the radio broadcast to our YouTube channel, Grow your Garden with Sal!
We will promote you though the Sal's email list and facebook page too!
Email us at salliesharpe@aol.com or text us at 803-786-6546. Thank you.