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  • Potatoes have been a staple for years because...

    Potatoes took up very little space and were very nutritious. One acre of potatoes could feed a family of four for a year.


    Most of yall know that I am a vegetarian- meaning I don't eat dead animals (or live animals). I eat animal products, such as cheese and eggs and I eat POTATOES.


    Every morning I eat a potato with cheese and onions and turmeric.


    This gives me the energy to make it most the day. My day consists of feeding mules, pigeons, dogs- rotating critters on the pastures, planting, harvesting, delivering birds and produce, weeding, and whatever emergencies tend to pop up and throw another iron into the fire.


    I have been told by numerous people that potatoes give you diabetes, and make you fat.


    If this is true, I should be the diabetic queen of the world. The truth is that potatoes are easy to grow, easy to store and are a concentrated source of fuel for your body.


     They have only 161 calories when eaten alone. They have .2 grams of fat, 4.3 grams of protein, 36.6 carbs (which is FUEL), 28% of your needs for Vitamin C, B6, Potassium, 19% Magagnes, 12 % of Phosphorus, Niacin and Folate! They have antioxidants, and contain a special type of starch called resistant starch. The starch is not broken down and fully absorbed by the body, but is a great source of nutrients for the beneficial bacteria in your gut.


    In a study, ten people were fed 30 grams of potatoes a day for four weeks and it reduced their insulin resistance by 33%.


     Potatoes are the perfect food for survival! And they are super easy to grow!


    We now have Sal's DELUXE POTATO GROWING KIT. You get enough potatoes to plant FIVE, FIVE gallon buckets.


    You will grow a bucket of each- white, red, purple,  fingerling and yukon gold potatoes. The kit has the potatoes, the directions and the soil amendments.


     In much of the South, you need to get the potatoes in NOW. The north is a little behind us, but you can still get them started indoors.


    With any purchase from Sal's, you can text us, call us or email us with any questions. We are here to teach you to have a successful garden.

    Deluxe Potato Box


      Tuesdays & Fridays 11:30a- 5:00p


      Saturdays 11:30a-3:00p

      Call for special Spring

      & Fall planting season hours


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